Green Party, Maritime Fisherman’s Union and Save Our Seas and Shores call for Moratorium at Melmerby Beach Press Conference on July 19, 2010
Save Our Seas and Shores plunged in action shortly after the BP Deepwater Horizon blowout in April 2010. By early July 2010, Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada, became the first politician to support our call for a moratorium on oil and gas exploration in the Gulf of Mexico. R. Mary Gorman (Save Our Seas and Shores), Nancy Kimber (Gulf shore resident), Darryl MacIvor (President of MFU Local 4), Elizabeth May (Leader, Green Party of Canada), Dr. Irene Novaczek (scientific advisor, Save Our Seas and Shores)
BP Spill a wake up call to coastal landowners in the Gulf of St. Lawrence Media Release
Green Party of Canada